Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sun Tzu - The Main Elements Of "The Art Of War"

Sun Tzu - The Main Elements Of "The Art Of War"

Sun Tzu emphasized in one of his writings that in any business, one must be familiar with strategy in as much as you want to succeed in that business.As a matter of fact, it was clearly stated in Sun Tzu's The Art of War that your ability to survive and breakthrough in that business of your choice depends on the strategy adopted by you.Therefore, anybody who fails to understand strategy will perish while those that are conversant with it will survive in any business.The business world is full of competition and for this reason; a lot of them are at war with one another.Consequently, strategy can be termed to mean "the art of war".It is the strongest secret weapon used to succeed in any business.Strategy can be planning of brand, sales or communication.With an unambiguous strategy put in place, you will succeed more than the expected level in that business of your own.For you to come up with the best strategy in this competitive business world, you need to spend judicious hours researching the business background you might find yourself.Therefore, you must know the service you render or products and competitors very well.You must also state your aims and objectives in a clearly manner with a clear vision for you to achieve your goals.Strategy is the clear understanding of the art of war which must be embraced by all businessmen to succeed.For a better understanding of the art of war, you must have a clear vision which is described as that thing that motivated and drove you to initiate that idea of yours.You need not detail your vision at the early stage but can itemize such detail and fill it out as soon as you are satisfied with its general outlook.Ensure that you remain focused on your vision and idea for the period of your business irrespective of the challenges you might face.Another main element of the art of war is the art of selling.The purpose of any business is to sell and make profit.It is your duty to map out strategy that will ensure high volume of sales for your product.You must know how to deal effectively with your customers with strong ability and goal not to crush them but to win them to your side simply because the best victory is that which is won without fighting.You must plan adequately well before communicating with customers for you to win them to your side going by the words in Sun Tzu Art of War that says the people that plan more will win those that put little effort in their planning as failure to plan is planning to fail.You must also know thy adversary as well as thyself.Ordinarily, any sales personnel will admit that his enemy or adversaries are the competitors but unlike war, you cannot kill your competitors or destroy their business place to stop them from carrying out their business.Again, your adversary in sales is your customer who may have one reservation or the other about buying from you.In other words, both of you have different goals to achieve as far as business is concerned.While your customers' goal is to cut unnecessary spending and save money, you are after profit maximization through good price.Sun Tzu Art of War left people with some business lessons from development of troops in mountain region which must be applied in all business endeavor particularly the one that says "when the enemy has occupied high grounds, do not attempt an assault".To succeed in business, you must avoid a competitor who has the chance of tapping on certain ongoing trends.Rather than being at logger head with your competitor, create unique products that will capture new customer trends.

Sun Tzu - The Main Elements Of "The Art Of War"


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